Monday, July 11, 2011

Not able to make to office on monday??


I wonder why I am not able to go to office only on Monday?? Is it because of Monday blues or what?? I do not know.... Last week monday I was really down with fever and thing and this monday I had to accompany my wife to doc... somehow I have ski;pped two mondays consequently if you take a till of my leaves, mondays are the most....

Let us take the very general characteristics of week... people as per stats work well on great maha purush has told.... "week is like hanning window...." which means wednesday is peak and monday and friday are hollow... which means people tend to work more on wednesday and from mon to wed people tend to prepare to work.... and from wed to fri people tend to relax and work and only wed people actually work... is it true?? I do not know because at my consciousness I myself cannot agree this rule of hanning window but mundays are little sultry not only at climate but also at work... mondays are dull and lazy.... mondays are crazy for enjoyment but somehow going to office on monday is bore and dull.... I wonder on wednesday when I am on road at 11am then I find lots of traffic.... only on mon and tue..... you know on mon people tend to wake up late... on mon people tend to be lazy to drive so better go to office early on mondays :)

Yes I am true when you go at 9 you hardly find traffic on monday and peak is when people wake up at 8 and reach office on mon at 11... people tend to leave early to digest the fact that they have to come to office again the very next day.... managers are intelligent so they keep the weekly status meet on monday and plan for coming week....clients are intelligent to assign work on first day of monday happens to be nightmare to people who dream to leave early but alas are caught at work to stay more time....

however If I start a company I will plan to give leave on every Monday and Friday since I know that people want leave on start and end of week haha.... if every company thinks this way think how many leaves one will have.... but the fact is these days people want more... forget mondays people are forced to work even in weekends....

It all depends on how we plan to work for the week... if we are clear on friday what to start on monday and be ready and go home,,, there would not be any nightmares of monday and work is well organized....

Some more laws on work by maha purush in the past....

1. Finish the work of this week on friday.....
2. Plan what to cover and work on Monday. Inertia of holiday will haunt you otherwise....
3. Plan for coming days on Monday and target to finish on Friday

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